TPS Distance Per Gene
The tps_distance_per_gene
tool computes the most commonly used transcript length for each region in the region file centered on the max TSS.
This tool requires bedtools to be installed.
PolTools tps_distance_per_gene [-h] [-t [threads]]
regions_filename sequencing_files
[sequencing_files ...]
Required Arguments |
Description |
Regions filename |
Bed formatted file containing all the regions you want to quantify (must be centered on +1 nt). This file can be generated from the make_regions_file_centered_on_max_tss program |
Sequencing Files |
Bed formatted file from a sequencing experiment. |
Optional Arguments |
Description |
-t, –threads |
Maximum number of threads. Default is the number of threads on the system. This program will not use more threads than the number of sequencing files provided |
Sequencing Files |
Additional sequencing files can be provided. |
will report the most commonly used transcript length from the maxTSS (regions file centered) for each gene
For example:
$ head seq_file.bed
chr1 11981 12023 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2168:2248:1407 255 -
chr1 13099 13117 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2203:31403:26757 255 -
chr1 13356 13423 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2151:15808:7827 255 -
chr1 13435 13477 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2273:15781:19241 255 -
chr1 13739 13772 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2256:29966:10520 255 -
chr1 13741 13773 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2235:4101:11882 255 -
chr1 14178 14203 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2115:8241:31422 255 -
chr1 14734 14768 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2165:23764:2440 255 -
chr1 14988 15012 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2219:16134:32784 255 -
chr1 18337 18362 A00876:119:HW5F5DRXX:1:2149:32054:31328 255 -
$ head regions_centered_on_max_tss.bed
chr1 959251 959261 NOC2L 46 -
chr1 960627 960637 KLHL17 27 +
chr1 966516 966526 PLEKHN1 8 +
chr1 1000092 1000102 HES4 87 -
chr1 1000290 1000300 ISG15 12 +
chr1 1020114 1020124 AGRN 35 +
chr1 1074302 1074312 RNF223 10 -
chr1 1116102 1116112 C1orf159 9 -
chr1 1231967 1231977 SDF4 321 -
chr1 1232237 1232247 B3GALT6 174 +
$ PolTools tps_distance_per_gene regions_centered_on_max_tss.bed seq_file.bed > seq_file_tps_distance_per_gene.txt
$ head seq_file_tps_distance_per_gene.txt
Gene seq_file.bed
NOC2L 32
KLHL17 42
HES4 16
ISG15 44
RNF223 35
C1orf159 N/A
SDF4 68